Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Random Thoughts

There's so much disparity in this world when it comes to the rich and the poor. Imagine this - A celeb blows up more money in a single night than a poor man would earn in his entire lifetime. The definition of power has changed over the years. Power is being abused like anything. Everywhere. I wonder when righteousness will prevail.

I sometimes wonder... how we manage being chained and live life by the same set of rules, doing the same mundane things and doing what everyone thinks is right for us ... instead of listening to what our own heart says. I wonder why we try to play safe all our life.

If only it was as easy to get your thoughts and feelings across and act at the right time, life would be a whole lot different. Think about it.

I realised that such thoughts strike like a bolt out of the blue, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes after watching a movie....... and I find them worthwhile enough to list them here. ;)

1 comment:

Serendipity said...

Did you read the first Page of Mumbai Mirror yesterday? Zayed Khan's mom/Rahul Nanda etc buying 500 sq ft houses that are meant to be slum rehablitation for the poor? talk about rich abusing power.

About playing it safe - there are some of us who listen to our hearts you know. its not that tough. in fact its harder! :)